Our passion and purpose
The Cardiac Action Group (CAG) aims to raise awareness of heart disease in Guernsey, promoting cardiac patient care, facilitating the development of new cardiac services, and supporting existing services, including the use of public automated external defibrillator (AED) units. CAG is a registered charity.
Be sure to check out our AED locations to identify yourself with the AED units across the island. This may save time and quite possibly a life should you be faced with an emergency cardiac situation.

Arrange a free training session!
Did you know that we offer FREE CPR & PAD familiarisation training here in Guernsey?

How do I use an AED
Early defibrillation can save a life - following the simple steps to increase the chances of survival.
Our Latest News

242 learnt CPR during Restart a Heart Week 2024
26 FREE training sessions were offered this year around the island.

'Restart A Heart' makes front page news!

Thank you to our PAD Site Guardians
Our PAD site guardians were thanked for their continued support in an event held at Les Cotils.