As a Guernsey Registered Charity and a LBG, we do rely entirely on donations from the general public, sponsorship from the commercial sector and funding from charitable trusts to continue to fulfil our aims as stated in the ‘About’ section. We are therefore incredibly grateful for any donations made of any size, and would like to take this opportunity to thank you in advance for any amount you feel able to donate.
You can donate in three ways:
Donate an amount of your choosing via SumUp.
Donate online through
Donate via Online Banking directly into our Bank Account with a one off payment or you may like to set up a Standing Order:
Guernsey Cardiac Action Group LBG
Lloyds Bank
Sort Code: 30-93-73
Account number: 34030468
Donate via cheque
Payable to: Guernsey Cardiac Action Group LBG
Posted to: Treasurer
Guernsey Cardiac Action Group LBG
8 Lemon Grove
La Route des Jenemies
St. Saviour