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If you want to arrange an event, be it big or small, or you represent a corporation, CAG would be most grateful for your support.


Community and Social Responsibility
If you represent an organisation, CAG offers an excellent and worthwhile engagement for CSR. We would also be happy to talk to you about fund raising events and sponsorship which can include your own branding and promotion materials. Please contact us directly to discuss this opportunity.


Here are some of our current and recent sposors:

Skipton International
Many thanks to Skipton International for their donation in support of the Community Resuscitation Development Officer project for 2020. A staggering £25,000 has been provided from the 2019 Skipton Swimarathon. We greatly appreciate this donation which will support CAG in continuing our community effort, including free training for CPR and AED use.

Skipton International Logo

CAG Community Vehicle - Barras Car Centre
Many thanks to Barras Car Centre, Guernsey for supplying our wonderful Hyundai community vehicle. Look out for us around Guernsey and please come and say hello.

Barras Car - CAG car

Submarine Limited 
Many thanks to the team at Submarine Limited, Guernsey for their continuing design, website and social media support.


Our 2017 to 2019 sponsors:
John Ramplin Trust
Carey Olsen
Barra Car Centre
Christmas Lottery
Waitrose Community Matters
Charlie Denton

Companies funding Face shield key rings in 2018/2019

Bank Butterfield
Julius Baer & Co. ltd


Public Access Defibrillators ( 24-hour access) funded by Guernsey companies, charities and individuals across the Island.  Installed by CAG in 2018 & 2019

Rangers Football Club
Rockmount, Cobo
St Stephens Community Centre
Capelles Community Centre
La Villette Garage
Saumarez Park ( PAD relocated to Children’s Playground)
 Vale Douzaine Room
Traffic & Highway Services
Torteval Church Hall
The Salvation Army
Blanchelande College
Ravenscroft Property Holdings 20, New Street St Peter Port
Styx Community Centre
Guernsey Yacht Club
St Pauls Church, Vale
La Coutanchez Campus, College of further Education 
Richmond Kiosk
Milton Produce, St Andrews
The Last Post, St Andrews
Raymond Falla House, St Martins
37, The Pollet St Peter Port
New Generation IT, Victoria Road